Thursday 19 March 2009

Liferay document management part2

Further to my earlier post. I had a discussion with a Large vendor with lots of experience in Liferay, trying to sell liferay and it further cleared liferay is very strong on UI front as you could design just about any UI in portlets.

  1. However it would require customization of document portlet to provide role based access and other features.
  2. Again if we require document conversion it could be done through customized portlet
  3. To provide document conversion in the background have a servlet that pools the directory (Really crapy solution)
  4. To do filling of documents based on meta data, have a corn job or windows schedule (error prone)
  5. Template application through Apache POI API
  6. There is a provision to use open office for document conversion, but i have not tried it out

Hmm my conclusion is why use liferay kick start java code, if i dont need liferay UI or its workflow?


Bryan Cheung said...

Hi, actually LIferay already provides built-in document conversion in a similar manner to Alfresco (leveraging OpenOffice). Please see this wiki for details:


Bryan Cheung said...

Here's the wiki link as a link.

That said, Alfresco is a fine solution for ECM and many of our clients use it in conjunction with Liferay.

singh said...

Thanks Bryan for providing the link i will update the post