Sunday 5 July 2009

Oracle service Bus on MAC

Well the first set is to insure that you have java 1.6 on your mac, this seems quite obvious but things are interesting in mac world. in windows one has to insure the right JDK in on the path and Java home defined etc. In MAc world its really dead simple, just download jdk 1.6 and run, and its done, seriously

My mac machine had 1.5 installed when i went to update it to 1.6 i was surprised that all it asked was do want to install on Macintosh HD? Unlike windows no need to give a location and then changing environment variables, etc. Just go to utilities and Java preferences to set your default JDK, it handels multiple JDK most elegantly.

Once you are done with Java, download HP UX edition of oracle service bus and run it from terminal, as Mac is basically unix under the hood